Tramadol Online - Delivery Information

When you order medication from Tramadol online, you can be sure of fast and discreet delivery, directly to your doorstep. We deliver to customers in most locations. This page contains some frequently asked questions about delivery.

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

The time it takes for your order to arrive depends on where you live. Orders to locations take between two and seven working days.

Are there any charges for delivery?

To see if your order has a shipping cost, simply add the medication to your online shopping cart and check your order before completing the transaction. This can vary depending on location, promotions and current terms and conditions.

How does the medication get packaged?

In order to maintain the privacy of our clients, we send the medication in carefully concealed packaging, which arrives door-to-door. The packaging consists of plain brown padded envelopes or boxes that do not reveal what the contents are nor expose personal details of the customer.

The anticipated delivery date has passed and my order has not arrived, what should I do?

Delayed orders may happen occasionally due to various reasons that are beyond our control. Delays may occur if:

  • We are experiencing high volumes of orders
  • Deliveries from suppliers are late
  • There are problems with the postal service
  • There is a bank holiday

You are welcome to contact us if there is a significant delay. Please make sure that you carefully submit the correct details on the online digital form. We cannot be held responsible for delayed shipment or lost goods as a result of there being incorrect details on our system.

Several days have passed since I placed my order and it seems to be lost, what should I do?

Goods are considered lost if you have not received your order within 28 days from the date of placing it. Please contact our customer service department and one of our representatives will initiate an investigation. You can also refer to our refund and returns policy for more information. If your case is approved, you will be refunded or provided with a replacement order.

Find out more

You are welcome to contact us by phone or email if you have any questions regarding the delivery of medications.